Efficient Dynamic Acknowledgement Scheme for MANET
Mobile Adhoc Networks (MANET) is the decentralized type of network and it does not rely on pre-existing infrastructure. All nodes work as routers and take path in discovery and maintenance of routes to other nodes in the network. The Energy efficiency continues to be a key factor in limiting the deploy ability of ad-hoc networks. Deploying an energy efficient system exploiting the maximum life time of the network has remained a great challenge since years. The major concern in Wireless network in recent days is Energy consumption. There are numerous algorithms proposed to overcome this issue. In this paper proposed a new intrusion detection system is Enhanced Adaptive 3 Acknowledgement (EA3ACK) using Energy Efficiency Dynamic State (EEDS) algorithm. This algorithm is designed to increase the network lifetime and remaining energy by continuously monitoring the individual nodes in the network, thereby it increases the quality of service of the network. Network simulator (NS2) is used to implement & test our proposed system. The proposed EEDS- EA3ACK algorithm provides secure transmission & further it improves network performance.
How to cite this article:
Thamizhmaran K. Efficient Dynamic Acknowledgement Scheme for Manet. J Adv Res Embed Sys 2020; 7(3&4): 1-6.
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