IEEE Paper Based on E-Novels
Nowadays, the net plays an important role in people’s life. In the process of the improvement of the public’s living standards, public’s demands of the life’s quality and efficiency is higher, the traditional bookstores inconvenience gradually emerged, and the online bookstore has gradually been used in public. The online bookstore is a revolt in book industry. The old-style bookstores operative time, addresses and places are so much restricted, so the types of novels and books to be find found a degree of constraint. But the online bookstore ruined the management mode of outdated bookstore, as long as you have a computer, you can buy the book from anywhere, saving time and efforts, shortening the time of book selection link efficiently. The online bookstore system based on the standard of provides suitability and facility to people out there.
How to cite this article:
Chaudhary N, PathakS, Shivani et al. IEEE Paper Based on E-Novels. J Adv Res Embed Sys 2020; 7(1): 8-10.
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