Capacity building with Nanotechnology: Advanced trends under Make in India

  • Dr. D.V. Sreekanth 2Professor, Mechanical Department, St. Martin’s Engineering College, Secunderabad, Telangana, India
  • Dr. P. Santosh Kumar Patra Principal & Professor, CSE Department, St. Martin’s Engineering College, Secunderabad, Telangana,India


Its known fact that science is progressing at a very fast pace in current scenario.  Everyone is looking eagerly for answers to manmade situations that are probably preventable or can be reversed to help environment, advance medicine, space applications et al. Research engineers in general and Mechanical engineers across the globe are engaged in finding answers that would resolve these global pressing problems. Nanotechnology is an emerging inter-discipline science with revolutionary potential for producing new materials (stronger and higher strength composites), improving energy efficiency, and creating new diagnostic tools and therapies for medical applications. Nano fibers, Solar cells, usage of light materials help immensely in space applications. Corrosion and prevention of such corrosion are other areas non-tech applications are being worked out that help Environment impact.  We are using plasmas to produce nano-scale coatings with improved hardness and wear resistance. We are exploring applications of highly uniform semiconductor nanocrystals, as building blocks for more efficient lighting, solar cells, and thermo-electric devices and, we are working on new nano particle-based medical imaging techniques and cancer therapies. Concerns have been raised about possible unanticipated health effects associated with exposure to such nanomaterials.  Researchers in the Mechanical Engineering Departments globally are working in all these areas.  Our paper tries to illustrate emerging possibilities and thrust that can be provided in India under the current Make in India context.  It tries to extend the conceptual application boundary that TERII (The Energy Research Institute of India) framework for emerging nano-technology development in India.

How to cite this article:
Sreekanth DV, Patra PSK. Capacity building with Nanotechnology: Advanced trends under Make in India. J Adv Res Embed Sys 2021; 8(1&2): 8-13.


1. TERI (2010), Nanotechnology development in India: the need for building capability and governing the technology, The Energy and Resources Institute- Briefing Paper.
2. Dwivedi, Abhishek and Avanish Dwivedi (2012), Emerging Trends in Nanotechnology for Modern Industries, International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT), Vol 2, Issue 6 pp 4-13.
3. Biomedical application of nano technology,
How to Cite
SREEKANTH, Dr. D.V.; PATRA, Dr. P. Santosh Kumar. Capacity building with Nanotechnology: Advanced trends under Make in India. Journal of Advanced Research in Embedded System, [S.l.], v. 8, n. 1 & 2, p. 8-13, july 2021. ISSN 2395-3802. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 04 mar. 2025.