Automated Supermarket Run System

  • Sumit Bankar Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, KK Wagh, Institute of Engineering Education and Research, Nashik, Maharashtra, India.


Automation has become a new trend in today’s world. We propose an automated shopping system in which the customer scans the products, place it on the conveyor belt through which all the products will be packed in bags and will be ready for the customers at the exit door. For this, an application is developed in which the customer must register himself into the system. After taking all the products into the cart, the customer would go to checkout counter which is attached with a conveyor belt. The customer first scans the unique barcode from the application and then scans each product and places it on the belt. If a product is placed without scanning on the belt, weight sensor will detect the extra weight and the belt will halt. The app shows the previous shopping list and can also navigate through the mall using the indoor navigation system in the app. Thus, making an IoT based automated system for better shopping experience.

How to cite this article:
Bankar S, Suryavanshi S, Suryawanshi S et al.Automated Supermarket Run System. J Adv Res Embed Sys 2019; 6(3&4): 1-3.


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How to Cite
BANKAR, Sumit. Automated Supermarket Run System. Journal of Advanced Research in Embedded System, [S.l.], v. 6, n. 3 & 4, p. 1-3, dec. 2019. ISSN 2395-3802. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 04 mar. 2025.