A Review of IoT Implementations in Environment and Agriculture

  • Ferdin Joe John Joseph Thai-Nichi Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand


This paper reviews a span of literatures in the implementation of IoT systems in Environment and agriculture. The motivation for this literature study is to provide insights on various sub domains in the above mentioned fields and the research challenges listed in the system designs. The literatures studied are from various sources of internet and constrained to those available in English. These methodologies are explained in brief about the theoretical architecture, middleware APIs, sensors used, actuator modules connected, data collected and the processing of data. This information is compiled to study the challenges and problems available. The discussion of literature studied lists the potential opportunities and challenges with the research in IoT system implementation in Environment protection and agriculture.

How to cite this article:

Joseph FJJ. A Review of IoT Implementations in Environment and Agriculture. J Adv Res Embed Sys 2019; 6(3&4): 29-33.


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How to Cite
JOSEPH, Ferdin Joe John. A Review of IoT Implementations in Environment and Agriculture. Journal of Advanced Research in Embedded System, [S.l.], v. 6, n. 3 & 4, p. 29-33, aug. 2019. ISSN 2395-3802. Available at: <http://thejournalshouse.com/index.php/ADR-Journal-Embedded-Systems/article/view/231>. Date accessed: 04 mar. 2025.