Pollution, Climate change and Strategies to Increase Maize Production - An Overview


In past, climatic parameters have seen to undergo changes, especially temperature and rainfall. The global
temperature has increased significantly which has directly or indirectly affected economically important
crops as well as humans. There has been an overall decrease in rainfall and increased fluctuation in
temperature in various parts of the country. Pollutants cause severe injury to economically important plants
and have caused biotic and abiotic stresses especially in all crops. Burning of crop residues surrounding
especially around metro cities is a major concern. Fast growing peri-urban agriculture and industrialization
has been associated with pollution threaten urban food production and its quality. The harvest of crop
residues using latest farm machinery that converts them into bales which can be efficiently transported
to storage or far-off markets. Sewage water and industrial wastes has been a major concern in peri-urban
agriculture and animal husbandry. A multi-prong approach needs to be followed in crops. Development
of new climate resilient cultivars/crops beneficial to humans and use of environment friendly technology
may help in combating pollution and climate change.

How to cite this article: Mahajan V, Singh KP. Pollution, Climate change and Strategies to Increase Maize Production - An Overview.
J Adv Res Alt Energ Env Eco 2018; 5(4): 10-14.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.24321/2455.3093.201802


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How to Cite
MAHAJAN, Vinay; SINGH, KP. Pollution, Climate change and Strategies to Increase Maize Production - An Overview. Journal of Advanced Research in Alternative Energy, Environment and Ecology, [S.l.], v. 5, n. 4, p. 10-14, aug. 2021. ISSN 2455-3093. Available at: <http://thejournalshouse.com/index.php/AltEnergy-Ecology-EnvironmentJ/article/view/284>. Date accessed: 10 mar. 2025.