Water Scarcity: A Global Issue
This chapter explores about the problems that we are facing because of water scarcity. Water is very
important in our life and its scarcity can lead us to many problems. Basically, water scarcity is the lack
of sufficient available fresh water resources to meet water demand. It affects every continent and is the
largest global risk. 0.014% of all water on Earth is both fresh and easily accessible. The unequal distribution
results in some wet and some dry geographical locations. Today, humanity is facing water crisis and we
are continuously wasting the water available with us. At the current consumption rate, the situation will
only get worse. By 2025, two-thirds of the world’s population may face water shortage. There will be many
affects of water scarcity such as lack of availability of drinking water, hunger, diseases, sanitation issues,
etc. In Cape Town, forecasters have forecasted that the water available with them will last till 16 April.
To use the available water for longer, South African Government has reduced the consumption of water
from 87 liters to 50 liters a day. If we want to overcome this problem, then we must take certain steps.
We must educate people not to waste the water, store water, etc so that this problem of water scarcity
can be easily solved.
How to cite this article: Jain S. Water Scarcity: A Global Issue. J Adv Res Alt Energ Env Eco 2018; 5(3): 12-14.
2. Religion, Law and the present Water Crisis, by Hughes, Richard, 2013.
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5. Water, Peace and War: Confronting the Global Water Crisis, by Brahma, Chellaney, 2013.