Emerging Approaches of Bioremediation: A Comprehensive View
Today, contamination of sites by uncontrolled discharge of pollutants due to rapid industrial growth and
anthropogenic activities are causing ecological problems leading to imbalance in nature, is a global concern.
In present scenario bioremediation is providing an eco- friendly option for environment betterment. This
paper gives an overview of advancement clean-up techniques that have tremendous potential to degrade
waste biologically using modified organisms and help in pollution abatement.
How to cite this article: Sharma K. Emerging Approaches of Bioremediation: A comprehensive View. J Adv Res Alt Energ Env Eco
2018; 5(1&2): 33-36.
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2. National Research Council, “In Situ Bioremediation: When Does It Work? National Academy Press”, Washington, DC 1993.
3. R. D. Norris, R. E. Hinchee, R. Brown, P. . . L. McCarty, L. Semprini, J. T. Wilson, D.H. Kampbell,M. Reinhard, E. J. Bouwer, P. C. Borden, T. M. Vogel, J. M. Thomas, C. H. Ward. Handbook of Bioremediation. Lewis, Boca Raton, FL 1993.
4. 4. R. E. Hinchee, J. L. Means, D. R. Burrisl, “Bioremediation of Inorganics.” Battelle Press,Columbus, OH 1995.
5. 5. Singh SN, Tripathi RD, “Environmental bioremediation technologies,”Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007.
6. 6. Talley J, “Introduction of recalcitrant compounds”. In W. Jaferey & L. Talley Eds. Bioremediation of recalcitrant compounds. Boca Raton: CRC. 2005.
7. 7. Wasi S, Jeelani G, “Ahmad M , “Biochemical characterization of a multiple heavy metal, pesticides and phenol resistant Pseudomonas fluorescens strain.” Chemosphere 71: 1348-1355. 2008.
8. 8. M.Vidali, Bioremediation. An Overview, “Pure Appi. Chem. Vol.73pp.1163-1172,2001.
9. 9. http://www.clu-in.org. Online manual: Technology Practices Manual for Surfactants and Co-solvents, CH2MHILL.
10. 10. Md.Zeyaullah, MohammedAtif, Badrul Islam, Azza S.Abdelkafe, P.Sultan, Mohammed A. Elsaddy and ArifAli, “Bioremediation: A tool for environmental cleaning.” Afr.J.Microbiol.Res. Vol. (6) PP.310-314, June 2019.
11. 11. Garima and Singh, J Bioremed Biodeg5:6, “Application of bioremediation on solid waste management: A Review” 2014.
12. 12. F. M. von Fahnestock, G. B. Wickramanayake, K. J. Kratzke, W. R. Major., Biopile Design,Operation, and Maintenance Handbook for Treating Hydrocarbon Contaminated Soil, Battelle Press, Columbus, OH (1998).
13. 13. U.S. EPA. Phytoremediation Resource Guide. EPA/542/B-99/003 ,1999.
14. 14. Verma, N.; Singh, M., “Biosensors for heavy metals.” 2005, 18, 121–129.
15. 15.Bruschi, M.; Goulhen, F. , “New bioremediation technologies to remove heavy metals and radionuclides using Fe(III)-sulfate- and sulfur reducing bacteria.” 2006, pp. 35–55.
16. 16.Brim, H.; McFarlan, S.C.; Fredrickson, J.K.; Minton, K.W.; Zhai, M.; Wackett, L.P.; Daly, M.J. , “Engineering deinococcus radiodurans for metal remediation in radioactive mixed waste environments”. Nat. Biotechnol. 2000, 18, 85–90.
How to Cite
SHARMA, Kanupriya.
Emerging Approaches of Bioremediation: A Comprehensive View.
Journal of Advanced Research in Alternative Energy, Environment and Ecology, [S.l.], v. 5, n. 1&2, p. 33-36, aug. 2021.
ISSN 2455-3093.
Available at: <http://thejournalshouse.com/index.php/AltEnergy-Ecology-EnvironmentJ/article/view/289>. Date accessed: 09 mar. 2025.
Research Article