An Assessment of the Ecological Services Provided by Deepor Beel Wetland and its perceived Contribution to Quality of Life Among the Wetland-Dependent Community

  • PARANGAM SARMA BASISTHA Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology (IIEST), Shibpur
  • Dr. Swati Saha Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology (IIEST), Shibpur


Guwahati, the only metropolitan city of Assam, India is rapidly urbanising with a large influx of population along with spatial growth. The areas adjacent to the city boundary, which were once native villages; now transforming into peri-urban areas and experiencing land use transformation, cultural changes and ecological disturbances like cutting of trees, filling of wetlands and ponds, changing of land uses etc. The ecological services offered by the wetland have changed over the years due to anthropogenic activities around the wetland. The declining connection of people with the wetland and concentration on another source of income is happening rapidly. This has changed the perception of people about the benefits and services of the wetland and its contribution to the quality of life. The changing perception has demotivated the youth to take part in traditional fishing and other activities related to the use of wetland services for economic, social and environmental benefits. Having a positive perception motivates people to engage and work for the betterment of themselves and also for the wetland.
The paper tries to understand the connection between the wetland and people. The outcome of this paper will give insight into the economic, cultural, religious, social association of people with the wetland. The study will be helpful to understand the perception of people about wetland services and their relation with quality of life. Secondary data along with primary investigation were used to identify wetland services. A simple random survey with a Likert rank-based questionnaire was used to rank the indicator selected for the research to understand the perception of people about wetland services and human wellbeing.The paper tries to understand the connection between the wetland and people. The outcome of this paper will give insight into the economic, cultural, religious, and social association of people with the wetland. The study will be helpful in understanding the perception of people about wetland services and their relationship with quality of life. Secondary data along with primary investigation were used to identify wetland services. A simple random survey with a Likert rank-based questionnaire was used to rank the indicator selected for the research to understand the perception of people about wetland services and human wellbeing.   


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How to Cite
BASISTHA, PARANGAM SARMA; SAHA, Dr. Swati. An Assessment of the Ecological Services Provided by Deepor Beel Wetland and its perceived Contribution to Quality of Life Among the Wetland-Dependent Community. Journal of Advanced Research in Alternative Energy, Environment and Ecology, [S.l.], v. 10, n. 1&2, p. 6-11, aug. 2023. ISSN 2455-3093. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 10 mar. 2025.