Eco-Friendly Energy Solutions: Current State of- the-Art and Future Prospects (2023)

  • Rajni Verma Associate Professor, Chandigarh Engineering College, CGC Jhanjeri, Mohali, India.
  • Aditya Kumar UG Student, Chandigarh Engineering College, CGC Jhanjeri, Mohali, India.


Energy harvesting has emerged as a revolutionary method for attaining electronic device autonomy, reducing our reliance on conventional battery sources. This article provides an extensive exploration of energy harvesting techniques, concentrating on their state-of-the-art implementations and the challenges that confront researchers and engineers in realising self-powered electronics. It discusses numerous harvestable energy sources, including solar, kinetic, thermal, radio frequency (RF) energy. The conversion mechanisms and technological advancements of each energy source are exhaustively examined. In addition, this paper examines the current obstacles in the field, such as energy availability, conversion efficiency, energy management, scalability, environmental factors. Through the analysis of case studies and applications, it demonstrates the applicability of energy harvesting
in diverse domains, such as the Internet of Things (IoT), wearables, remote sensing. In addition, this paper identifies emergent trends and future orientations, casting light on potential areas for innovation and research to resolve current limitations and influence the landscape of self-powered electronics in the future. Through this in-depth analysis, we contribute to a greater comprehension of the significance of energy harvesting and its central role in the development of sustainable electronic devices.


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How to Cite
VERMA, Rajni; KUMAR, Aditya. Eco-Friendly Energy Solutions: Current State of- the-Art and Future Prospects (2023). Journal of Advanced Research in Alternative Energy, Environment and Ecology, [S.l.], v. 10, n. 3&4, p. 1-4, sep. 2023. ISSN 2455-3093. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 10 mar. 2025.