Analytic Study of the Quality Assurance Practices in Higher Education of Madhya Pradesh, India

  • Surendra Kumar Tiwari Head Department of Education, Gulab Bai Yadav Smriti Shiksha Mahavidyalaya,Borawan


In the developing countries, like India most of the higher education institutes are not well prepared to gear up according to the pace of changes in scientific and technological sphere and are unable to play their roll of disseminating and generating the knowledge desirable to meet these challenges. This plight of the Higher education institutes calls for an immediate overhauling of the quality assurance in the higher education sector of India. It has been realized by most of the developing countries of Africa and Asia that in this rapidly changing world high quality higher education is essential for every nation to bring the expectations of the nation into reality. This can witnessed by the establishment of large number of quality assurance agencies for higher education in these countries.

Not only quality assurance agencies are working at national level but many networkof quality assurance agencies have also been emerged over the last few years on famous network. The international network for quality assurances agencies in higher education was established in 1991 by only 18 founding member with in short period of 15 years the membership has risen to 150 from 100 different countries. This rapid increase in the quality assurance organization around the world mirrored the necessity and significance if the quality assurance in higher education. Quality and quality assurance of higher education clearly have become key issues for higher education both in the Asia and pacific region and all over the world (World bank, 2007).

How to cite this article:
Tiwari SK. Analytic Study of the Quality Assurance Practices in Higher Education of Madhya Pradesh, India. Int J Adv Res Peace Harm Edu 2022; 7(1): 1-6.


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How to Cite
TIWARI, Surendra Kumar. Analytic Study of the Quality Assurance Practices in Higher Education of Madhya Pradesh, India. International Journal of Advanced Research in Peace, Harmony and Education, [S.l.], v. 7, n. 1, p. 1-6, june 2022. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 23 feb. 2025.