The role of victim offender mediation with respect to juvenile delinquencies
The purpose of this article is to understand the role of victim offender mediation in the case of juvenile delinquency. The article studies the crux of the topic with respective to its influence on the juvenile delinquency irrespective of whether the influence is beneficial or destructive to the mindsets of such subjects. In an expanding society with different inter related cultures present like in India, children below the age of 19 are considered to be a very important prodigy to enable the mechanisms of the future expectations and success. One finds it difficult to understand the unrest minds of these subjects as their thought process is considered to be dynamic and potential of many unlikely and likely routes of establishment, hence the same has been contemplated for juvenile delinquencies. Victim offender mediation is reformative and restorative justice for the victim as well as the offender, the objective of the mediation is to make the offender understand and repent on his wrongdoings while ensuring safety and supportive environment to the victim by the third party mediator. Once both the victim and offender comes to decide upon the restitution agreement, the management services pertaining to the juvenile reformative programs tends to come in to motion. The article has taken reference from various studies and journals found in secondary sources. Most of the studies referenced had considered mediation to be very calculated and convenient form of intervention to speedy justice, hence the article directly deals with juvenile restorative justice with the help of mediation.
Keywords: Victim offender mediation, juvenile delinquency, restorative justice, reformative, retributive, Alternate dispute resolution.
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