Uniform Civil Code

  • Deepak Singhal 3rd Year B.com LL.B (Taxation laws) University of Petroleum & Energy Studies, Dehradun.
  • Harshita Poonia 3rd Year B.com LL.B (Taxation laws) University of Petroleum & Energy Studies, Dehradun.


The constitution has a provision for UCC under article 44 of our constitution clearly specifies the Uniform Civil Code: “The State shall endeavour to secure the topic constant Civil Code throughout the territory of India”. The constitution is therefore, terribly clear that unless the same civil code is followed, integration cannot be imbibed. Being a secular democratic country it should have a common civil and personal laws for its citizens irrespective of their religion, class, caste, gender etc as UCC is India’s rich legal heritage, of which all the personal laws are equal constituents. I would thus powerfully urge the need of getting one single code to be named as Indian Civil Code applicable to everyone living among the territory of Indian Union no matter caste, creed or faith persuasions. this can be the legal resolution to the communal drawback .It seems to be completely essential within the Interest of the unification of the country for build up one single nation with one single set of laws within the country. The term ‘civil code’ issued to hide the whole body of laws governing rights regarding property and private matters like wedding, divorce, maintenance, adoption and inheritance. 

How to Cite
SINGHAL, Deepak; POONIA, Harshita. Uniform Civil Code. International Journal of Law, Human Rights and Constitutional Studies, [S.l.], v. 2, n. 2, p. 13-17, dec. 2020. Available at: <http://thejournalshouse.com/index.php/IntlJ-Law-Humanrights-Consstudy/article/view/576>. Date accessed: 04 mar. 2025.