A Form of Quantum Gravity Unification with the General Theory of Relativity

  • Johannes Sikoka Student, Department of Physics, IOP Publishing, Bristol BS2 0GR, United Kingdom.


The problem still remains (in theoretical physics) of how gravity can be unified with quantum mechanics, in as much as it would be possible to explain a consistent theory of quantum gravity. Which, this unification theory should (to a sufficient extent) adhere to the Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker metric. In the preceding work, a universal model is formulated, considering the results of the theory of quantum gravity, as well as the General theory of relativity. The space-time continuum is modelled to arise from the gravity quanta. This is by allowing the universe to retain its homogeneous nature at scales near the plank scale in (relativistic) difference from the time of the Big Bang and treating the gravity particle as behaving, both as a wave and as a particle (as of the theory of wave-particle duality). Once space-time is modelled, the field equations of general relativity are considered, and briefly mentioned, in the modelling of repulsive gravity as being the cause of the expansion of the universe. The space-time metric is considered, as possibly moving at faster than the speed of light. This is considered as suggesting, an event (as of the Special theory of relativity) of which its occasion supersedes the symmetry of which the Special theory of relativity was modelled, this is considered with no changes to the frame of reference of the Special theory of relativity.


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How to Cite
SIKOKA, Johannes. A Form of Quantum Gravity Unification with the General Theory of Relativity. Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Physics and Applications, [S.l.], v. 7, n. 2, p. 1-10, sep. 2024. Available at: <http://thejournalshouse.com/index.php/JoARAPA/article/view/1285>. Date accessed: 04 mar. 2025.