Use of Library and Information Centres in Higher Education in the 21st Century
This paper explores the symbiotic relationship between education and libraries, focusing on the historical trajectory of college libraries in India. It examines the transformative initiatives introduced by the University Grants Commission (UGC) and influential reports, highlighting the pivotal role of libraries in higher education. The changing landscape of higher education in the 21st century is analysed, emphasising curriculum evolution, technology integration, and global collaboration. The role of libraries and information centres (LICs) is discussed in response to the digital transformation, technology-based services, and the evolution of distance education. The diverse needs of library users in the 21st century, influenced by technological advancements, are examined, along with the changing infrastructure of LICs.
In the Indian scenario, the paper discusses the well-equipped libraries of universities, varying levels of web-based services, and the impact of the INFLIBNET Centre. The conclusion underscores the challenges faced by LICs in meeting user demands and highlights the importance of manpower, continuous training, and collaboration for success in the dynamic landscape of higher education.
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