Navigating the Future: Challenges and Opportunities of AI in Transforming Health Sciences Libraries
The advent of the digital era has brought significant transformations in the health sciences libraries. Health Science Libraries are the hub of knowledge, containing huge amounts of medical information and play a crucial role in providing access to medical research and essential healthcare information. They support researchers, healthcare professionals, and patients in accessing critical information that may save lives and improve the overall health of individuals and communities. As technology continues to revolutionise health sciences libraries, it’s crucial that we examine the opportunities and challenges presented by AI. In this paper, we’ll explore the impact of AI technology in health sciences libraries and how it can improve information management, accessibility, and user experience while addressing ethical and data security concerns. Moreover, HSL should remain adaptable, staying abreast of the latest developments in AI and VR to ensure ongoing relevance and effectiveness. In the realm of medical information technology, it is often said that great opportunities come with greater challenges, so investigating the impact of AI on traditional library functions, the potential for enhanced user experiences, and ethical considerations. AI has the potential to transform library operations and services by increasing efficiency, effectiveness, and innovation. By adopting AI technologies, libraries can better serve their users and adapt to the changing information landscape. AI has been increasingly adopted in libraries, where it has the potential to shape library operations and services. So this paper explores the application of AI to medical knowledge management discovery and the challenges and opportunities that HSL libraries encounter when harnessing AI for knowledge management.
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