Bhabani Bhattacharya as a Novelist: A New Approach
Bhabani Bhattacharya, the Sahitya Academy Award winner is among the major Indian novelists writing in English. His literary fame is not confined to India alone. His books have been translated into 26 languages, including 16 European languages. Being a humanist, he is greatly moved by the poverty, hunger and sufferings of the people. In his novels, he has exposed the various social evils of modern men hunger for food and freedom, prostitution, exploitation, superstition, hoarding of foodgrains etc.
How to cite this article: Priydarshi AK. Bhabani Bhattacharya as a Novelist: A New Approach. J Adv Res Eng & Edu 2020; 5(3): 6-8.
1. Ray L. Bhabani Bhattacharya: A Profile’, [Indian Lit., 1968; 11(2).
2. Joshi S. An Evening with Bhabani Bhattacharya’, [The Sunday Standard, 1969]
3. Gupta LN. A Bridge Between India and the West’, Hitavda, Nagpur, 1969.
4. Verghese CP. Problems of Creative Indian Writer in English. Somalia Publication, Bombay, 1975.
5. Iyanger KRS. Indian Writing in English. Asia Publishing House, New Delhi, 1973.
6. Times Literary Supplement, Qt. on Cover Page.
7. Harrex SC. The Fire and the Offering. Calcutta Writers Workshop, 1977; 1.
8. Bhattacharya B. Shadow From Ladakh. Crown Publishers, New York, 1966.
2. Joshi S. An Evening with Bhabani Bhattacharya’, [The Sunday Standard, 1969]
3. Gupta LN. A Bridge Between India and the West’, Hitavda, Nagpur, 1969.
4. Verghese CP. Problems of Creative Indian Writer in English. Somalia Publication, Bombay, 1975.
5. Iyanger KRS. Indian Writing in English. Asia Publishing House, New Delhi, 1973.
6. Times Literary Supplement, Qt. on Cover Page.
7. Harrex SC. The Fire and the Offering. Calcutta Writers Workshop, 1977; 1.
8. Bhattacharya B. Shadow From Ladakh. Crown Publishers, New York, 1966.
How to Cite
PRIYDARSHI, Ashok Kumar.
Bhabani Bhattacharya as a Novelist: A New Approach.
Journal of Advanced Research in English & Education, [S.l.], v. 5, n. 3, p. 6-8, may 2021.
ISSN 2456-4370.
Available at: <>. Date accessed: 04 mar. 2025.