The Role of Civil Society Institutions in Spreading a Culture of Peace in Sudan: North Kordofan Case Study 2020

  • Montaser Hamid Ballah Hamed Sudan-Center for Peace and Development Studies, University of Kordofan, Sudan.
  • Salah Osman Holi Sudan-Center for Peace and Development Studies, University of Kordofan, Sudan.


The study dealt with the role of civil society institutions in spreading a culture of peace in Sudan and North Kordofan in 2020. It acquires importance for seeking to know more about the role of civil society intuitions in spreading the culture of peace in Sudan, under transfer conditions, that Sudan witnessed at both the internal and external levels through the openness of diplomatic relations. Its importance came from the role played by relative institutions in spreading and building up a culture of peace. The study indicated the civil society institution’s major role in spreading and strengthening the peace of culture through the optimum use of changing the culture of violence and war for rising values of freedom, equality, spirit of tolerance, and acceptance of others. The study concluded that civil society institutions have a major role in spreading a culture of peace in Sudan. In addition, the best means to spread a culture of peace in Sudan is to spread education in a large way, which leads to achieving civic education and bringing up new generations with virtuous values. It also represented proper social upbringing and achieving a culture of peace under the condition of the democratic transfer that Sudan is witnessing through the improvement of economic, social, and security situations, the implementation of compatibility, and the initialization of an appropriate political climate. The study recommended paying attention to the process of cultural diversity in Sudan and identifying mechanisms for spreading a culture of peace, as well as paying attention to the educational and methodological process through the design of curricula that match the application of peace in the community. Establishing small economic projects and alleviating poverty by increasing productivity Interconnecting the social fabric through cultural groups, clubs, and political upbringing.


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How to Cite
HAMED, Montaser Hamid Ballah; HOLI, Salah Osman. The Role of Civil Society Institutions in Spreading a Culture of Peace in Sudan: North Kordofan Case Study 2020. Journal of Advanced Research in Humanities and Social Sciences, [S.l.], v. 10, n. 3, p. 13-20, sep. 2023. ISSN 2349-2872. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 23 feb. 2025.