Scholars’ Perceptions and Practices on Research Data Management in the Universities of Gujarat: A Survey

  • Madhuri Kumari Assistant Professor, Central University Gujarat, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India.
  • Minaxi Parmar Assistant Professor, Central University Gujarat, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India.


Research Data and its management process is a foundation practice of scholars. The research data included collected raw data from the selected samples for the research as well as the output of research in form of suggestions and analysis. Therefore to manage and preserve the raw data of research, one electronic platform would be needed that takes good care of data as well as enabled to serve it as per the requisites of the scholars during the research. Research Data Management, is a platform to conscious in taking care, authenticity, preservation and services of it. Collected Data is the backbone of any research. So it’s much needed to organize, store and preserve the collected data during research in a proper way. Research Data Management (RDM) is that approach which overcomes all the obstacles of data collection and proper application. When data is collected in organized form then it’s very easy to apply any statistical tools and techniques. Institutes can easily archive them so it helps the prospective researchers to use them in the future. It increases the usability and longevity of the data. In this digital era, data generation is exponential. To organize this huge amount of data there should be an effective management plane. In this study researcher uses the survey method of data collection through the questionnaire. The questionnaire has been filled by research scholars of the universities of Gujarat. After analyzing the responses received, get a pattern of scholars’ perceptions and practices. The core objective of this study is to make scholars aware of the use of RDM and its effect on the ease of doing research. The limitation of this study only conducted on only research scholars of universities of Gujarat. Research scholars of the total of 25 universities of Gujarat i.e. state and central level are taken as a sample. This helps know the actual status of awareness and practices of research data management among research scholars. To find out, the areas that need to improve. By knowing the actual problem institute or RDM planner can plan the solution efficiently. Well structured strategy or resources like software and institutional repositories helps universities to improve Research Data Management (RDM). RDM services influence the research level. Good research always adds gems to the institution.


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How to Cite
KUMARI, Madhuri; PARMAR, Minaxi. Scholars’ Perceptions and Practices on Research Data Management in the Universities of Gujarat: A Survey. Journal of Advanced Research in Library and Information Science, [S.l.], v. 8, n. 1, p. 36-41, aug. 2021. ISSN 2395-2288. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 23 feb. 2025.