A New Characterization of Exponential Distribution through Minimum Chi-Squared Divergence Principle
In this paper, a new characterizing theorems of exponential distribution based on minimum chi-Squared divergence principle are presented. We study minimum chi-squared divergence probability distributions by this principle given a prior exponential distribution and the available information on moments. Some illustrative examples are included for special values of the parameters. We tabulated the results and the corresponding characteristics of the distribution are graphically, compared.
How to cite this article: Kamel ARR, Alqarni AAAA. A New Characterization of Exponential Distribution through Minimum Chi-Squared Divergence Principle. J Adv Res Appl Math Stat 2020; 5(1&2): 14-26.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.24321/2455.7021.202002
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23. Shore J, Johnson R. Axiomatic derivation of the principle of maximum entropy and the principle of minimum cross-entropy. IEEE Transactions on information theory 1980; 26(1): 26-37.
24. Tavangar M, Asadi M. Some new characterization results on exponential and related distributions 2010; 257-272.
25. Yanev G. Chakraborty, S. A characterization of exponential distribution and the SukhatmeRnyi decomposition of exponential maxima, Statistics and Probability Letters 2016; 110: 94 - 102.
26. Zolotarev V. Metric distances in spaces of random variables and their distributions. Mathematics of the USSR-Sbornik 1976; 30(3): 373.
How to Cite
KAMEL, Amr Ragab Rabie; ALQARNI, Abd AlAziz Abd Allah.
A New Characterization of Exponential Distribution through Minimum Chi-Squared Divergence Principle.
Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Mathematics and Statistics, [S.l.], v. 5, n. 1&2, p. 14-26, dec. 2020.
ISSN 2455-7021.
Available at: <http://thejournalshouse.com/index.php/Journal-Maths-Stats/article/view/13>. Date accessed: 09 mar. 2025.
Research Article