International Economic Cooperation as a Cornerstone of International Relations


Since the inception of the third millennium issues of economic diplomacy and economic security have intertwined to become the prime focus of international policy making, different social, political and economic drivers have contributed to this namely Integration of erstwhile communist countries into the world economy, trans-national terrorism, different kinds of scarcity, global warming and its associated consequences. International Relations (IR) today is a multidimensional approach which focuses on nations and people around the globe. Economic diplomacy is strategic in development of commercial opportunities, at the same time in achieving a stability in the International Political sphere. The stability of this global system is often at risk from different shocks that are transmitted from one side of the system to another. Globalisation itself has related countries and economies alike and the need of the hour is an economic security. This paper through a doctrinal approach investigates this inter-relationship and how diplomacy can be used to increase economic security.

How to cite this article: Moitra M. International Economic Cooperation as a Cornerstone of International Relations. J Adv Res Polit Sci Gov 2021; 5(1): 10-14.


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How to Cite
MOITRA, Moulinath. International Economic Cooperation as a Cornerstone of International Relations. Journal of Advanced Research in Political Science and Governance, [S.l.], v. 5, n. 1, p. 10-14, nov. 2021. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 04 mar. 2025.