A Comprehensive Review of the Development and Implementation of Policies

  • Aditya Kumar Yadav


The governance and operation of numerous institutions, organisations,
governments are significantly shaped by policies. The process of creating
policies and then putting them into action is complicated since it
involves many different parties, a variety of viewpoints, potential
difficulties. In-depth discussion of the fundamental elements of policy
formation, an examination of the variables determining successful
policy implementation, a discussion of the vital interaction between
these two phases are all covered in this review article. This review
tries to offer a thorough understanding of the dynamics involved in
effective policy-making and implementation by analysing case studies
and academic literature.
The abstract also highlights the significance of recognising issues
and including stakeholders when formulating policies, as well as the
significance of making decisions and designing policies based on data.
It emphasises once more how political and institutional circumstances
affect the process of formulating policy. The abstract emphasises
the importance of institutional competence, resource allocation,
coordination, ongoing monitoring and evaluation with regard to policy
implementation. This assessment emphasises the necessity for flexibility
and adaptability in policy execution by addressing issues like political
interests, public resistance, resource limitations, bureaucratic red
tape. The abstract highlights the crucial lessons policymakers can
learn to generate beneficial societal and institutional change through
effective policy development and execution by drawing conclusions
from successful case studies.


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How to Cite
YADAV, Aditya Kumar. A Comprehensive Review of the Development and Implementation of Policies. Journal of Advanced Research in Political Science and Governance, [S.l.], v. 7, n. 1, p. 1-8, aug. 2023. Available at: <http://thejournalshouse.com/index.php/Journal-PolScience-Governance/article/view/799>. Date accessed: 04 mar. 2025.