Control over Public Policy and Administration: An Overview
This review article explores the complex world of control mechanisms
used to influence governance and public policy. It looks at the various
facets of accountability, transparency, participatory democracy in
relation to the management of public affairs. This study provides a
thorough review of the many control mechanisms, their significance,
problems, the evolving landscape in the context of modern society
by synthesising existing literature, case studies, new trends. The
examination takes into account historical viewpoints, cultural influences,
regional and international variances in control methods. The article’s
conclusion emphasises the significance of maintaining transparency
and participation practises while achieving a delicate balance between
centralised control and decentralised decision-making. The synthesis of
diverse insights underscores the intricate tapestry of control in public
administration and policy, offering insights for scholars, practitioners,
policymakers to navigate the complexities of effective and accountable
uncertain democracies. Johns Hopkins University Press.
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