Evaluation of Policies: A Comprehensive Review of Methodologies, Challenges, and Best Practices

  • Harshita Yadav


Effective governance is based on policy assessment, which offers a
formal framework for evaluating the results, efficacy, larger effects
of initiatives across governmental, organisational, social domains.
This thorough review paper methodically examines the approaches,
difficulties, best practises in the complicated world of policy evaluation.
This article aims to create a nuanced and thorough understanding of
policy assessment by synthesising a wide range of existing research.
It will be a useful tool for making informed decisions and formulating
policies that are based on the best available evidence.
The review explores a range of strategies, including both qualitative and
quantitative techniques such case studies and randomised controlled
trials. It highlights difficulties caused by incomplete data, bias in selection,
temporal dynamics, contextual complexities, the complex link between
attribution and contribution. The presentation of a comprehensive set
of best practises includes the creation of a cogent theory of change,
thorough baseline data gathering, tactical application of counterfactual
assessments. Iterative feedback loops and stakeholder interaction play
a crucial role, which is emphasised.
The review emphasises practical application, difficulties, implications
through illustrative case studies in education and healthcare policy
evaluation. In the end, this paper emphasises the importance of
policy assessment in efficient governance, arguing that contextual
awareness and empirical rigour are essential elements of evidencedriven
policymaking that will lead to long-term societal improvement.


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How to Cite
YADAV, Harshita. Evaluation of Policies: A Comprehensive Review of Methodologies, Challenges, and Best Practices. Journal of Advanced Research in Political Science and Governance, [S.l.], v. 7, n. 1, p. 15-20, aug. 2023. Available at: <http://thejournalshouse.com/index.php/Journal-PolScience-Governance/article/view/801>. Date accessed: 07 mar. 2025.