A Distributed Weighted Consensus Based Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Scheme using Cyclostationary Detection

  • Enfel Barkat Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Colorado Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA


Detection of primary users (PUs) in the pres- ence of interference and noise and improvement of spec- trum utilization is one of the aims of cognitive radio (CR). In this paper, a fully distributed cooperative spectrum sens- ing scheme based on cyclostationary features techniques   is proposed. The primary signal detection is realized by    an OFDM fast spectrum sensing algorithm, then each secondary user (SU) choses the information exchanging rate according to the estimated average signal to noise ratio (SNR). The SUs exchange their own measurement with their local neighbors to make decision about the primary user. Simulation results show that the proposed consensus scheme can have significant lower mission detection and probability of false alarm. We also show that the proposed method performs better than the existing consensus energy detector based approach.

How to cite this article:
Barkat E, Wickert M, Laroussi T. A Distributed
Weighted Consensus Based Cooperative
Spectrum Sensing Scheme using Cyclostationary
Detection. J Adv Res Sig Proc Appl 2020; 3(1):


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How to Cite
BARKAT, Enfel. A Distributed Weighted Consensus Based Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Scheme using Cyclostationary Detection. Journal of Advanced Research in Signal Processing and Applications, [S.l.], v. 2, n. 1, p. 27-33, oct. 2021. Available at: <http://thejournalshouse.com/index.php/SignalProcessing-Applications/article/view/453>. Date accessed: 23 feb. 2025.