Interdisciplinary Advances in Modern Electrical Engineering

  • Sarmistha Rawat Associate professor College of Engineering, Pune.


Interdisciplinary collaboration has become the cornerstone of progress in modern Electrical Engineering (EE), fostering innovation at the intersection of various fields. This review delves into the transformative impact of interdisciplinary advancements in EE, exploring how the convergence of diverse domains—ranging from nanotechnology and renewable energy to robotics and IoT—has propelled the field towards unprecedented heights. Through a comprehensive analysis, this review elucidates how collaborative endeavours among traditionally distinct disciplines have shaped the landscape of modern EE, paving the way for groundbreaking developments and future possibilities.


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3. Zavala, V. M., Anvari-Moghaddam, A., Fadali, M. S.,Guerrero, J. M., & Vasquez, J. C. (2017). A Reviewof Energy Storage Technologies for Wind Power
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6. Lu, Z., & Yang, H. (2013). Integration of RenewableEnergy Sources in Power Generation Systems: AReview.Energy Procedia, 36, 582-592.
7. Li, Y., Guo, S., & Shahidehpour, M. (2018). Advancesin Grid Integration of Renewable EnergySources.Proceedings of the IEEE, 106(7), 1290-1307.
8. Rasheduzzaman, M., Wanik, M. Z., Mekhilef, S., &Shahnia, F. (2019). Energy Management in Smart Grids
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9. Awan, A. B., Chaudhry, S. A., & Hussain, S. (2019).Energy Storage Technologies: Integration andChallenges in Power Generation Systems. SustainableEnergy Technologies and Assessments, 37, 100556.21
10. Chedid, R., El-Fouly, T. H., & Salameh, Z. M. (2010).Design of Sustainable Energy Systems: Reviewof Modeling Tools and Optimization Techniques.Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 14(8),2014-2023.
11. Zakeri, B., & Syri, S. (2017). Electrical Energy StorageSystems: A Comparative Life Cycle Cost Analysis.Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 78, 401-418.
12. Hoppmann, J., & Huenteler, J. (2017). How do Policiesmobilize Private Finance for Renewable Energy?—ASystematic Review with an Outlook on DevelopingCountries. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,77, 924-949.
13. Kaldellis, J. K., & Zafirakis, D. (2011). The Impact ofFinancial Parameters on the Cost of Wind Energy: ACase Study in Greece. Applied Energy, 88(4), 1377-1386.
14. Söderholm, P., Klaassen, G., & Gullberg, A. T. (2018).The Impact of Policy Instruments on Innovative Effortsin the Wind Power Sector: A Comparison of Swedenand Denmark. Energy Policy, 122, 152-163.
15. Wu, C. Y., Chen, C. T., & Wu, J. H. (2017). RenewableEnergy Applications in Cyber-Physical Systems: AReview.Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,75, 899-908.
16. Yang, H., & Zhou, W. (2013). Modeling of IntegratedRenewable Energy Systems in Energy, Heat, Electricity,andTransportation Networks. Renewable andSustainable Energy Reviews, 18, 411-425.
17. Ramírez-Elizondo, L., & Fuentes-Cortés, L. F. (2015). AReview on the Role of Microgrids in the Transition ofEnergy Systems. Renewable and Sustainable Energy
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18. Yohanis, Y. G., & Mondol, J. D. (2014). Solar PhotovoltaicThermal (PVT) Collectors:AComprehensiveReview.Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 39, 617-
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20. Vlachou, D. S., & Petridis, V. (2018). Electric VehicleIntegration in the Power System: A ReviewofMethodologies and Tools. Applied Energy, 226, 343-355.
How to Cite
RAWAT, Sarmistha. Interdisciplinary Advances in Modern Electrical Engineering. Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical Engineering and Technology, [S.l.], v. 6, n. 2, p. 16-21, jan. 2024. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 04 mar. 2025.