Technology to Fight Disaster and Pandemic
The world is changing everyday and these changes have both sides like a coin, a positive and negative. These changes sometimes comes at a great price and main problem is we can not even determine its price. We may be happy with the positive side of the change but we can never neglect negative side. After the lessons from ebola, Bill Gates in one of his ted talk warned us that “We’re not ready for the next epidemic”.[1] And that thing came out to be true as we are currently in the middle of a Pandemic. And this pandemic is just an example, we never know when we get hit by a Disaster and everything comes to a pause. A Disaster may bring several other small disasters with it, from theft to accidents and various other miss- happenings. In the Pandemic like COVID-19, the development of vaccine may take years and the only way to fight this is by maintaining social distancing and tracking the persons who came in contact with positive patient. Our idea is to detect and recognize the objects and humans using machine learning along with various sensors, IoT devices, cameras and most importantly smart phones which are almost available to everyone. In case of any miss-happening the device can send us an alert or can help us in recognizing the complete scenario. And in case of pandemic like COVID-19 it may help us to recognize and keep track of a person, who may be a corona positive or may have came in contact with the corona positive person.
How to cite this article:
Kapoor H, Kokcha K, Sharma L. Technology to Fight Disaster and Pandemic. J Adv Res Electro Engi Tech 2020; 7(1): 16-19.
[2] Boosting Image Retrieval; Viola & Tieu pers/boosting-image-retrieval.pdf
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