GPS and IoT based Soldiers & Patient, Health Indication System

  • Pranoti P Chandratre BE Student Dept., of E & TC Matoshri College of Engineering and Research center, Eklahre, Nashik.


This project performs three major functions, health monitoring, tracking
and sending all data wireless. National security mainly depends on army
(ground), navy (sea), air-force (air) force. The important and vital role is
always played by the soldiers. This system will be useful for soldiers, who
involve in missions or in special operations and different environmental
conditions where the temperature maximum or minimum. This system
can also use for the Patient those who have continuously health issues.
This system enables GPS (Global Positioning Systems) tracking of these
soldiers and patient. It is possible by monitoring their Health. The
health condition can be measured by temperature, heart beat and
pulse sensor. In this system, smart sensors are attached to the body
of soldiers and patients. This system will provide the connectivity to
the server at the base station using a wireless connection. Using this
system, we can send the help to the soldier or patient when they have
any health-related problems and issues. Each soldier or patient also
has a GSM (Global system for Mobile communication) module which
enables the communication with the base station in case of injuries.
When any other soldier enters the enemy lines, it is very difficult for the
army base station to know about the location as well as the health status
of all soldiers. In our project we have come up with an idea of tracking
soldier as well as to give status of the soldier health and patient health.

How to cite this article:
Chandratre PP, Gahiwade AR, Shaharkar DA.
GPS and IOT based Soldiers & Patient, Health
Indication System. J Adv Res Electro Engi Tech
2019; 6(1&2): 5-7.


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How to Cite
CHANDRATRE, Pranoti P. GPS and IoT based Soldiers & Patient, Health Indication System. Journal of Advanced Research in Electronics Engineering and Technology, [S.l.], v. 6, n. 1&2, p. 5-7, oct. 2021. ISSN 2456-1428. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 07 mar. 2025.