Study of Methods for Calculation of Self and Mutual Inductance
Calculation of Self and mutual Inductance of coil of any shape and
geometry has been proposed by various authors in literature. This
paper reviews the various techniques for calculation of self and mutual
Inductance of coil of any shape and geometry and similarly explores
the numerical technique using Electromagnetic Simulation software
tools for comparing the values obtained by analytical, Approximation
(Empirical) and Handbook method. Calculation of Self-inductance of
Multilayer coil, Single layer helical and Spiral (Pancake) coils are proposed
by Wheeler’s Empirical formula, Lundin’s handbook formula, Nagaoka’s
formulas, Rosa and Grover’s Correction formulas are discuss and xplored.
Calculation of Mutual inductance of two Coaxial Circles by Maxwell’s
formulas in Elliptic Integral, Nagaoka’s formulas are discussed and
The results of Electromagnetic Simulation software tools for calculation
of self and mutual inductance of Spiral (Pancake) coil is compared with
the different techniques of calculation like analytical, empirical and
approximate of mutual and self inductance the results are in close
agreement with the simulated values.
How to cite this article:
Ahire DB, Gond VJ. Study of Methods for
Calculation of Self and Mutual Inductance. J
Adv Res Electro Engi Tech 2019; 6(3&4): 8-16
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