Illuminating Insights: A Comprehensive Review of Li-Fi Technology and Its Diverse Applications

  • Prerna Gupta ITM University, Raipur.
  • Sakshi Mishra ITM University, Raipur.


Data transmission is a very prevalent practise in the modern, forward-thinking period of science. We have used Wi-Fi technology to send the vast bulk of our data up until this point. However, we also have the option of using light itself as a source for the data transfer. The term Li-Fi, which stands for "light fidelity," refers to the method of transmitting data via light. In the Li-Fi protocol, the visible light acts as the communication route. This is the most modern technology in the area of data exchange to be developed in recent years. Furthermore, this technology is currently being created as a result of the growing number of studies being done on this specific topic in order to facilitate its advancement. This optical communication technology is currently the most cutting-edge topic of discussion from a scientific perspective. Visible light communication, or VLC, is what Li-Fi employs, hence this technology's pace of data transfer is fairly quick


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How to Cite
GUPTA, Prerna; MISHRA, Sakshi. Illuminating Insights: A Comprehensive Review of Li-Fi Technology and Its Diverse Applications. Journal of Advanced Research in Electronics Engineering and Technology, [S.l.], v. 10, n. 1, p. 1-4, oct. 2023. ISSN 2456-1428. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 22 jan. 2025.