El Kalaeet - El Foula Area Cracks in the West Kordofan State, Sudan: Environmental Impacts and Geological Hazards

  • Hassan Abdelslam Mustafa Faculty of Science, University of Kordofan, EL Obeid, P. O. 160, Sudan.
  • Ahmed Dawelbait Faculty of Science, University of Kordofan, EL Obeid, P.O 160, Sudan.
  • Mushaal Abdelgadir Salih Faculty of Science, University of Kordofan, EL Obeid, P.O 160, Sudan.
  • Saif Eldeen Hussein Faculty of Science, University of Kordofan, EL Obeid, P.O 160, Sudan.
  • Abutalib Mahmoud Faculty of Science, University of Kordofan, EL Obeid, P.O 160, Sudan.
  • Elnazeer Haroun Tawer Faculty of Science, University of Kordofan, EL Obeid, P.O 160, Sudan.
  • Badereldeen Elnour Elnaeir Faculty of Science, University of Kordofan, EL Obeid, P.O 160, Sudan.


Nemours surface cracks appeared suddenly in the West Kordofan State in the southwestern part of Sudan. These cracks demonstrated from El Foula town to El Kalaeet area about 10 km north Babanosa city. The occurrence of these cracks resulted from a heavy rainfall gives preliminary indications of the relationship of these phenomenon with the (surface or subsurface) water. Their actual depth reach to six meters, the three-fold shapes attributed to the precise cracks that originally existed in the affected layers. Cracking zones reflect areas in which water is easier to penetrate into deeper zones, indicating their connection with the subsurface water.
The cracks had different sizes ranging from few centimeters to several meters and orientations generally from north to south, and some where they characterized by triangular forms. These phenomena were resulted due to the internal leakage and horizontal groundwater movement from the runoff of the rainfall in the surface towards the main basin in the area.
The detailed investigations indicated that there is no problem for this event, but there are some precautions people must have to take into consider. In addition, people should avoid the distribution of the opening cracks and fissures for any reason as far as they could to avoid any geological hazards and environmental impact in the area that resulted due to these cracks.

How to cite this article: Mustafa HA, Dawelbait A, Salih MA et al. El Kalaeet - El Foula Area Cracks in the West Kordofan State, Sudan: Environmental Impacts and Geological Hazards. J Adv Res Geo Sci Rem Sens 2022; 9(1&2): 1-7.


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How to Cite
MUSTAFA, Hassan Abdelslam et al. El Kalaeet - El Foula Area Cracks in the West Kordofan State, Sudan: Environmental Impacts and Geological Hazards. Journal of Advanced Research in Geo Sciences & Remote Sensing, [S.l.], v. 9, n. 1&2, p. 1-7, oct. 2022. ISSN 2455-3190. Available at: <http://thejournalshouse.com/index.php/geoscience-remotesensing-earth/article/view/585>. Date accessed: 07 mar. 2025.