Sustainable Construction Practices: Utilizing Waste Ceramic Tiles for Resilient Infrastructure

  • Ritu Goyal Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Indo Global College Foundation, Mohali


This article explores sustainable building practises using leftover ceramic
tiles to strengthen infrastructure. One of the world’s most disasterprone
countries, India is constantly threatened by earthquakes, floods,
cyclones, and landslides. The paper recommends robust infrastructure
to overcome these issues. distinct parts of India experience distinct
natural calamities, which the study opens with. Earthquakes are common
in the north, floods harm 12%, droughts affect 68%, and landslides,
especially in Himachal Pradesh, are dangerous. Earthquake-resistant
design and structural issues are highlighted by prior tragedies. The
research emphasises the need of durable building materials in disasterprone
locations. Waste ceramic tiles may be recycled into cement to
increase durability and minimise environmental effect. Resilient building
design addresses earthquake and flood resistance. Building resiliently
requires design components from the Indian Standard Code of Practise
for earthquake protection. Netting, rock anchors, retaining walls, and
gabion barriers are also considered landslip prevention. The solution is
to focus on disaster-prone locations, upgrade infrastructure to withstand
harsh weather, and establish risk-informed construction rules. The
report finds that sustainable building practises like recycling ceramic
tiles build resilient infrastructure. Learn from previous catastrophes,
use strong design principles, and use novel materials to create a more
resilient and sustainable future for infrastructure development and
the environment


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How to Cite
GOYAL, Ritu. Sustainable Construction Practices: Utilizing Waste Ceramic Tiles for Resilient Infrastructure. Journal of Advanced Research in Geo Sciences & Remote Sensing, [S.l.], v. 10, n. 3&4, p. 28-31, dec. 2023. ISSN 2455-3190. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 22 jan. 2025.