Optimization of Injection Moulding Process With Melting Temperature Parameters Using Hybridization Approach

  • Himanshu Sapra Student in PCTE Group of Institutes, India.


Due to the production of plastic products with complex shapes, the plastic injection moulding manufacturing method has recently received a lot of attention. In order to improve manufacturing performance, the cycle time for the injection moulding process has been reduced, the defect known as dimensional warpage that results from temperature differences inside the mould has been reduced, and the mechanical tensile strength of the material has been increased so that it cannot warp easily. Warpage is a dimensional flaw of the product; hence a longer cycle time is needed. We risk a decline in production if we do this. Additionally, a superior product should have a higher tensile strength. A suitable experimental design is prepared using the Taguchi Orthogonal array to determine the trade-off analysis between quality and productivity. The Taguchi orthogonal array is used to select an appropriate experimental design, and utilising the experimental data, the entropy measurement method is then used to look into the choice of response behaviour. The utility idea is then used to determine how the processing parameters connect to the various processes.

How to Cite
SAPRA, Himanshu. Optimization of Injection Moulding Process With Melting Temperature Parameters Using Hybridization Approach. Journal of Advanced Research in Glass, Leather and Plastic Technology, [S.l.], v. 7, n. 1, p. 9-17, aug. 2024. Available at: <http://thejournalshouse.com/index.php/glass-leather-plastic-technology/article/view/1237>. Date accessed: 04 mar. 2025.