Assessing the Influence of Diesel-Butanol Blends on Diesel Engine Performance and Emissions
This study aimed to assess the combustion, performance, and emission characteristics of diesel engines using diesel-oxygenate blends. Experimental investigations were conducted on a single cylinder four stroke direct injection water-cooled diesel engine using butanol blended fuels in different volume ratios. The results showed that brake thermal efficiency increased with increased butanol content, reduced CO emission levels at higher loads, and comparable NOx emissions with diesel-butanol blends to neat diesel at low loads. However, butanol showed the lowest smoke opacity at high engine loads compared to diesel fuel operation.
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8. Armas O, García-Contreras R, Ramos A (2012) Pollutant emissions from engine starting with ethanol and butanol diesel blends. Fuel Processing Technology 100: 63-72.
2. Swamy RL, Chandrashekar TK (2013) Potentiality of Dibutyl Ether on DieselEngine Performance and Emissions.
International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology 2.
3. Merola SS, Tornatore C, Iannuzzi SE, Marchitto L, Valentino G (2014) Combustion process investigation in a high speed diesel engine fuelled withn-butanol diesel blend by conventional methods and optical diagnostics.Renewable Energy 64: 225-237.
4. Baskar P, Nanthagopal K, Elango T (2011) The effect of two oxygenates on diesel engine emissions. ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 6.
5. Kannan D, Senthil PK, Nurun Nabi MD, Hustad JE, Løvås T (2012) Theoretical and experimental investigation of diesel engine performance, combustion and emissions analysis fuelled with the blends of ethanol, diesel and jatropha methyl ester. Energy Conversion and Management 53: 322-331.
6. Arnal JM, Dorado MP (2012) A comparison of performance of higher alcohols/diesel fuel blends in a diesel engine. Applied Energy 95: 267-275.
7. Armas O, García-Contreras R, Ramos A (2014) Pollutant emissions from engine starting with ethanol and butanol diesel blends. Fuel Processing Technology 122: 64-71.
8. Armas O, García-Contreras R, Ramos A (2012) Pollutant emissions from engine starting with ethanol and butanol diesel blends. Fuel Processing Technology 100: 63-72.
How to Cite
TOMAR, Suyash; SONI, Amrit.
Assessing the Influence of Diesel-Butanol Blends on Diesel Engine Performance and Emissions.
Journal of Advanced Research in Glass, Leather and Plastic Technology, [S.l.], v. 6, n. 1, p. 1-6, oct. 2023.
Available at: <>. Date accessed: 04 mar. 2025.
Research Article