• Vinod Choudhary Research Scholar, MCA Thakur Institute of Management Studies, Career Development & Research (TIMSCDR) Mumbai, India
  • Shreyas Dhavle Research Scholar, MCA Thakur Institute of Management Studies, Career Development & Research (TIMSCDR) Mumbai, India


A robust backup system is essential for preserving critical files against unforeseen events. Data security is also crucial for protecting confidential information. Therefore, backup systems must prioritize security measures. Encryption is a popular method for ensuring data confidentiality. This paper presents new computer software that allows users to store and retrieve encrypted image backups in a secure and user-friendly way. People can easily put their pictures into the system and take them out whenever they want. They can also see small preview pictures of the ones they uploaded. When someone adds a picture, the system makes it all secret using a special method called the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). This secret picture is kept safe in the system's storage. When someone wants to get their picture back, the system automatically un-secrets it, giving a smooth and easy experience for the user.

How to Cite
CHOUDHARY, Vinod; DHAVLE, Shreyas. STRENGTHENING IMAGE ARCHIVING: A RELIABLE APPROACH. Journal of Advanced Research in Image Processing and Applications, [S.l.], v. 7, n. 1, p. 16-18, june 2024. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 04 mar. 2025.