A Review on Single Image Super Resolution

  • Bhavana Girdharilal Lachhwani Bhavana Girdharilal Lachhwani, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Matoshri College of Engineering Nashik, India


An important vision application is rebuilding single low-Resolution (LR)
image from High-Resolution (HR) image. Many algorithms successfully planned in recent years shows efficient and robust single-image
Super-Resolution (SR) rebuilding but it still seemsinspiring by several
factors, such ascomputational load, necessary huge exemplar images,
inherent ambiguous mapping between the HR-LR images, etc. Inspired
by simple mapping functions method, a mapping matrix table of HR-LR
feature patches is calculated in the training phase. The objective of SR is
to enhance the resolution of a given LR image, which is an unremitting
ongoing process in image technology, using up-sampling, de-blurring,
de-noising, etc. To rebuild an image into a HR image correctly, it is necessary to inject high frequency components of a low-resolution image.
In requests like, medical diagnosis, satellite imaging, video surveillance,
face recognition, forensic investigation and pattern recognition, it develops essential to extract the important information from the images.
During such process, zooming the image after a certain limit results
in a blurred image with no useful information. Hardware limitations
of sensors is one of the main causes behind this problem. Also, main
objective behind achieving HR images is not to hamper the observable
quality of the image.

How to cite this article:
Lachhwani BG, Dighe D. A Review on Single Image
Super Resolution. J Adv Res Image Proc Appl
2020; 3(1): 1-3


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How to Cite
LACHHWANI, Bhavana Girdharilal. A Review on Single Image Super Resolution. Journal of Advanced Research in Image Processing and Applications, [S.l.], v. 3, n. 1, p. 1-3, oct. 2021. Available at: <http://thejournalshouse.com/index.php/image-pocessing-applications/article/view/485>. Date accessed: 04 mar. 2025.