A survey on the biometric recognition of humans using inaccessible parts of the human eye

  • Gururaj J.P Research Scholar, Garden City University, Bangalore, Karnataka HOD & Assistant Professor, Dept. of Computer Science School of Computational Sciences & Information Technology Government First Grade College, Harihara-577601, Karnataka, India


Biometrics finds a lot of application in the modern day security aspects whether it may be in industrial sector, defense sector or in domestic sectors.  In this world, without biometrics, it is exceedingly difficult to incorporate the security measures in any organization.  Hence, personal identification can be especially important problem in any bio-metric recognition scenarios. Entry of a person into an organization in the work environment plays an especially important role as unauthorized persons if entered a premise may create a flutter &inviable to some terrorist attacks.  Hence, biometrics of an authorized person into the work environment plays a very im-portant role. Quite a no. of bio-metric methods exists for identification purposes, viz., physiological &behavioral.  Several of them are hand, voice, iris, human face, finger-print, ear, gait/gesture, posture, vien, code, thumb, ear, password, signature, pattern, palm print, etc. As quite a substantial no. of biometric methods for detecting the human beings exists by automatic means, retina scan is being considered as the biometric identity in the examination work commenced by us because of several benefits over the other biometric identities. For biometric recognition of a person using retina scans, a few methods exist in the literature.  In this context, fractal dimension method is one of the methods that could be used.  Hence, the retinal recognition is achieved in our proposed work for identifying the person by creating new approaches using Fractal Dimension methodologies.  In this paper, 100s of papers are being analyzed upon the chosen research topic and a brief survey of the existing methodologies that are used for the biometric recognition of personnel using the human being’s retina is being presented. In fact, this paper is a collection of the works done by various authors in the relevant field till date.  This survey paper aims at delivering a basic info about the on-going current works & the completed works in the field of biometric recognition using the retina so that the paper give a base for the other researchers to start the their work. In this paper, a brief survey on the biometric recognition of humans using inaccessible parts of the human eye is being presented.

How to cite this article:
JP Gururaj, Bhat P. A Survey on the Biometric
Recognition of Humans using Inaccessible Parts
of the Human Eye. J Adv Res Image Proc Appl
2020; 3(2): 1-4


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3. Blackledge J, Dubovitskiy D. Object detection and
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How to Cite
J.P, Gururaj. A survey on the biometric recognition of humans using inaccessible parts of the human eye. Journal of Advanced Research in Image Processing and Applications, [S.l.], v. 3, n. 2, p. 1-4, oct. 2021. Available at: <http://thejournalshouse.com/index.php/image-pocessing-applications/article/view/490>. Date accessed: 04 mar. 2025.