Android App Based Attendance System

  • Manish Kumar Student, Master of Technology, Delhi Institute of Technology Management and Research (DITMR).


Due to low-cost devices, high user acceptance and easily executed, we
focus on fingerprints recognition. Today we are use RFID card that has
drawbacks to swap another person card that is absent. This drawback is
overcome with development of this paper. This method of attendance
system is more secure and faster in execution than any other method
presented in the market today. The main thing of this project is mark
attendance after recognition of fingerprints and the complete process
are done with portable feature as this process is done by android
smart phones, tablets or any device based on android mobile operating
system. The project aim is to design an employee attendance system
which reduces the time, resources of an organization. The attendance
of an employee is marked based on fingerprint recognition. The best
way to mark attendance is fingerprints for biometric detection system
because fingerprints are never change for whole life of any person so,
it is unique and secure.

How to cite this article:
Kumar M. Android App Based Attendance System.
J Adv Res Image Proc Appl 2020; 3(2): 5-9


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How to Cite
KUMAR, Manish. Android App Based Attendance System. Journal of Advanced Research in Image Processing and Applications, [S.l.], v. 3, n. 2, p. 5-9, oct. 2021. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 08 mar. 2025.