Categorizing Brain Tumor in MRI using Digital Image Processing

  • Vikramathithan AC Department of Electronics and Communication Sai Vidya Institute of Technology Bengaluru, India.


A brain Tumor is an abnormal cell development within the brain tissues.
Brain tumor can be categorized into two types as follows: Benign,
without cancer cells, Malignant, with cancer cells that develop quickly.
About 12% of worldwide deaths are caused because of brain tumor.
Tumor identification itself involves a number of complex methods, as
it requires a great deal of radiological knowledge and experience for
accurate medical image detection. Mechanization of tumor detection
is therefore needed, as there might be an unavailability of trained
radiologists at the time of great need.
Here we have proposed a system for programmed cerebrum tumor
discovery, i.e., pre-preparing, division and arrangement utilizing clinical
imaging consequences of attractive reverberation imaging (MRI). In the
principal stage, the MRI cerebrum picture is absorbed from patient’s
information base, commotion is taken out and the picture is sifted
utilizing different channels, which help in upgrading the highlights of
the picture. In the subsequent stage, we segment the image and then
increase the intensity of the pixels on the detected part of the image
using k-means algorithm. It makes the MRI image more reliable at a
rational processing time. The proposed method successfully recognizes
and segments the tumor portions of the images successfully.

How to cite this article:
AC Vikramathithan, NS Vasudha, Hegde KSS et
al. Categorizing Brain Tumorin MRI using Digital
Image Processing. J Adv Res Image Proc Appl
2020; 3(2): 10-16


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How to Cite
AC, Vikramathithan. Categorizing Brain Tumor in MRI using Digital Image Processing. Journal of Advanced Research in Image Processing and Applications, [S.l.], v. 3, n. 2, p. 10-16, oct. 2021. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 04 mar. 2025.