Ingenious AI Visual Identification

  • Kanwal Jot Singh B. Tech-Cse-General Uttarpradesh, India.


In our project, Ingenious AI Visual Identification using Facial recognition we’re primarily focused on stating the remaining platform for attendance, in which a person can first provide their required non-public information and be enrolled for Automatic Attendance via our Software. As a result, we want to make this system software well-suited for any organization on the route to replacing the old and out-of-date attendance-taking system with our new output. We’re essentially specialized in citing the remaining platform for attendance wherein a man or woman can begin to feed with their required non-public facts and get them enrolled for the Automatic Attendance via our Software. Through this, we have the desire to make this software program well matched for each and every Organization on the way to update the vintage and outdated attendance taking process with our new output


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How to Cite
JOT SINGH, Kanwal. Ingenious AI Visual Identification. Journal of Advanced Research in Image Processing and Applications, [S.l.], v. 6, n. 1, p. 4-8, aug. 2023. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 04 mar. 2025.