Dictionary based English Speech to Marathi Speech Translation

  • Ruchita S. Jadhav Matoshri College Of Engineering And Research Centre, Nashik


People of different language producing background could not able
to interact with each other. This concept of translation will help
people to communicate each other with well off. Also it will help to fill
communication gap between two linguistically different backgrounds.
It will help to the people who belongs from different villages, who
have taken education of English. Majority of the Indian community is
not recognized with English while most of the information available
on web or electronic information is in English. Many Time government
documents and forms are been presented in English Language where a
lay man from Marathi language background finds difficulty to understand
information and even avoid. Machine Translation able to translate
Information presented in one language to other language with proper
meaning. Information can be present in form of text, speech and
image translating this information helps for sharing of information and
ultimately information gain. The main objective of Machine Translation is
to removed the language barrier in a bilingual nation like India. Machine
Translation gives several approaches to translate source language to
target language. In this project we are translating English to Marathi
sentences for kids based on dictionary.

How to cite this article:
Jadhav RS, Tile MP, Shirude PN et al. Dictionary
based English Speech to Marathi Speech
Translation. J Adv Res Info Tech Sys Mgmt 2019;
3(2): 7-10


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How to Cite
JADHAV, Ruchita S.. Dictionary based English Speech to Marathi Speech Translation. Journal of Advanced Research in Information Technology, Systems and Management, [S.l.], v. 3, n. 2, p. 7-10, oct. 2021. Available at: <http://thejournalshouse.com/index.php/information-tech-systems-mngmt/article/view/425>. Date accessed: 04 mar. 2025.