Information Technology and its Impact on Business

  • DIWAKAR PANDEY Student, Master of Applications, Thakur Institute of Management Studies & Research, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.


The insurgency in data and correspondence innovation has changed
our lives as well as the way how individuals work together. Utilizing
data innovation, organizations have the possibility to arrive at more
clients, present new items and administrations rapidly, work together
with providers and colleagues from everywhere the world. Change
from modern culture to data society and mechanical economy to
information economy is an aftereffect of the effect of ICT and Internet
use. Fundamental goal of this paper is to depict data innovation,
chances of Internet utilization for organizations to accomplish key
favourable circumstances contrasted with their opposition and how
they can encourage the development of merchandise and ventures
from makers to clients


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How to Cite
PANDEY, DIWAKAR. Information Technology and its Impact on Business. Journal of Advanced Research in Information Technology, Systems and Management, [S.l.], v. 4, n. 2, p. 12-14, oct. 2021. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 04 mar. 2025.