Block Chain and Crypto Currency Technology
Blockchain is a technology that is developed using acombination of various techniques such as mathematics,algorithms, cryptography, economic models, and so on.Blockchain is a public ledger of all cryptocurrency transactionsthat are digitized and decentralized. All the transactions ofcryptocurrencies are stored in chronological order to helpusers in tracking the transactions without maintaining anycentral record of the transactions.Application prospects ofblockchain are promising and have been delivering results since its inception. Blockchain technology has evolved from the initial crypto currencytonewagesmartcontractsandhasbeen implemented and applied in many fields. Although manystudies have been carried out on the security and privacyissues of blockchain, a systematic examination on thesecurity of blockchain systems is still missing. In this chapter, we will try to demonstrate a systematic illustration of the security threats to blockchain and survey the corresponding real attacks by examining popular blockchain systems. This chapter will discuss the security and privacy of the block chain along with its impact with regards to different trends and applications. The chapter is intended to discuss key security attacks and the enhancements that will help develop a better block chain system