Impact of Artificial Intelligence on workers
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a division of study that hypothesizes, demonstrates and helps advance the potentiality of an electronic device or a computer-controlled machine to think, act and study similar to that of human beings. Completed the past couple of periods, we have observed some major progressions in AI which not only upsurges the scope of the similar but also substitutes the intervention of humans. This swift development of AI has the capability to efficiently disturb the employment sector in the Information Technology field.
How to cite this article:
Singh JA, Rawat RS.Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Workers. J Adv Res Appl Arti Intel Neural Netw 2020; 4(1): 21-26.
[1] Poole, Mackworth & Goebel 1998, p. 1, which provides the version that is used in this article. Note that they use the term "computational intelligence" as a synonym for artificial intelligence.
[2] Prashant Mehta, Artificial Intelligence: key challenges & opportunities, Forbes India, August 8th 2018.
[3] Prashant Mehta, Artificial Intelligence: key challenges & opportunities, Forbes India, August 8th 2018.
[4] He ABY (2017) How China is preparing for an AI-powered future (Wilson Center, Washington, DC).
[5] Leontief W (1952) Machines and man. Sci Am 187:150–164.
[6] RF Kennedy (1964) Welcoming remarks to the opening session of the Interfederal Assembly of Pax Romana (The US Department of Justice, Washington, DC). Available at 20-1964.pdf.
[7] Kevin C. Desouza and Kiran Kabtta Somvanshi, April 22nd 2019, on: How India can prepare it’s workforce for the Artificial Intelligence era. Available at: prepare-its-workforce-for-the-artificial-intelligence-era/
[8] M Ramesh, Chennai, wrote a blog on October 19th 2019, about: India’s employment challenge may worsen as robots snatch away jobs. Available at:
unemployment-problem-may-worsen-as-robots-snatch-away- jobs/article29731261.ece
[9] Dr. Deepak Garg, Breaking Shackles, TOI, wrote a Science Blog on January 4th 2020: Top Five Projections in Artificial Intelligence in 2020. Available at : projections-in-artificial-intelligence-for-2020/
[10] Bloggers of Thoughtonomy wrote a blog on November 16th 2017, Infographics: The Impact of Intelligent Automation Infographic. Available at : automation-infographic
[11] Jeff Desjardins, wrote a blog on July 31st 2018, on: Debunking 8 Myths About AI in the Workplace. Available at:
[12] M Ramesh, Chennai, wrote a blog on October 19th 2019, about: India’s employment challenge may worsen as robots snatch away jobs. Available at:
unemployment-problem-may-worsen-as-robots-snatch-away- jobs/article29731261.ece
[13] NITI Aayog, National Strategy of Artificial Intelligence, wrote a Dsicussion Paper Report on #AIFORALL on June 2018. Available at: rategy-for-AI-Discussion-Paper.pdf
[14] NITI Aayog, National Strategy of Artificial Intelligence, wrote a Dsicussion Paper Report on #AIFORALL on June 2018. Available at: rategy-for-AI-Discussion-Paper.pdf
[15] NITI Aayog, National Strategy of Artificial Intelligence, wrote a Dsicussion Paper Report on #AIFORALL on June 2018. Available at: rategy-for-AI-Discussion-Paper.pdf
[2] Prashant Mehta, Artificial Intelligence: key challenges & opportunities, Forbes India, August 8th 2018.
[3] Prashant Mehta, Artificial Intelligence: key challenges & opportunities, Forbes India, August 8th 2018.
[4] He ABY (2017) How China is preparing for an AI-powered future (Wilson Center, Washington, DC).
[5] Leontief W (1952) Machines and man. Sci Am 187:150–164.
[6] RF Kennedy (1964) Welcoming remarks to the opening session of the Interfederal Assembly of Pax Romana (The US Department of Justice, Washington, DC). Available at 20-1964.pdf.
[7] Kevin C. Desouza and Kiran Kabtta Somvanshi, April 22nd 2019, on: How India can prepare it’s workforce for the Artificial Intelligence era. Available at: prepare-its-workforce-for-the-artificial-intelligence-era/
[8] M Ramesh, Chennai, wrote a blog on October 19th 2019, about: India’s employment challenge may worsen as robots snatch away jobs. Available at:
unemployment-problem-may-worsen-as-robots-snatch-away- jobs/article29731261.ece
[9] Dr. Deepak Garg, Breaking Shackles, TOI, wrote a Science Blog on January 4th 2020: Top Five Projections in Artificial Intelligence in 2020. Available at : projections-in-artificial-intelligence-for-2020/
[10] Bloggers of Thoughtonomy wrote a blog on November 16th 2017, Infographics: The Impact of Intelligent Automation Infographic. Available at : automation-infographic
[11] Jeff Desjardins, wrote a blog on July 31st 2018, on: Debunking 8 Myths About AI in the Workplace. Available at:
[12] M Ramesh, Chennai, wrote a blog on October 19th 2019, about: India’s employment challenge may worsen as robots snatch away jobs. Available at:
unemployment-problem-may-worsen-as-robots-snatch-away- jobs/article29731261.ece
[13] NITI Aayog, National Strategy of Artificial Intelligence, wrote a Dsicussion Paper Report on #AIFORALL on June 2018. Available at: rategy-for-AI-Discussion-Paper.pdf
[14] NITI Aayog, National Strategy of Artificial Intelligence, wrote a Dsicussion Paper Report on #AIFORALL on June 2018. Available at: rategy-for-AI-Discussion-Paper.pdf
[15] NITI Aayog, National Strategy of Artificial Intelligence, wrote a Dsicussion Paper Report on #AIFORALL on June 2018. Available at: rategy-for-AI-Discussion-Paper.pdf
How to Cite
SINGH, Jyotsna Amarbahadur; RAWAT, Robin Singh.
Impact of Artificial Intelligence on workers.
Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Artificial Intelligence and Neural Network, [S.l.], v. 4, n. 1, p. 21-26, sep. 2021.
Available at: <>. Date accessed: 04 mar. 2025.