Comparative Emission Analysis of Neat Karanja Oil and its Methyl Ester Blends in a Diesel Engine
The present work describes the preparation of various blends of neat Karanja oil (K10 and K20) and its biodiesel blends (B10 and B20) and its application in a twin-cylinder diesel engine to study their emission analysis. Experiments are carried out using Fossil Diesel (FD), K10 (10% Karanja oil + 90% diesel), K20 (20% Karanja oil + 80% diesel), B10 (10% biodiesel + 90% diesel) and B20 (20% biodiesel + 80% diesel on mass basis) under different engine loads. Comparative results of emission parameters are studied and presented for all test fuels. The study reveals that engine operated with all blended fuels shows better control of emission parameters such as hydrocarbon emission (HC), carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxide (NO) and smoke opacity compared to fossil diesel. It is also observed that among all blended fuels, K20 shows better control of NO emission. The engine runs satisfactorily up to 20% blends of neat vegetable oil with fossil diesel.
How to cite this article: Nayak C. Comparative Emission Analysis of Neat Karanja Oil and its Methyl Ester Blends in a Diesel Engine. J Adv Res Petrol Tech Mgmt 2020; 6(1&2): 1-6.
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