Enhance Oil Recovery Technology in Petroleum Industry: Review on Potential, Challenge and Development
Petroleum Industry play important role in the commercial growth of any nation. Various technologies were employed to improve production and operation upstream. Still, some technologies need development in terms of cost-effective. The purpose of the review is to summarize the enhanced oil recovery process in the petroleum industry (upstream). Numerous components were shortened and studied to achieve the goal.
How to cite this article: Dubey L, Sahu O. Enhance Oil Recovery Technology in Petroleum Industry: Review on Potential, Challenge and Development. J Adv Res Petrol Tech Mgmt 2020; 6(3&4): 1-8.
1. Olajire AA. Review of ASP EOR (alkaline surfactant polymer enhanced oil recovery) technology in the petroleum industry: Prospects and challenges. Energy 2014; 77: 963-982.
2. Agista MN, Guo K, Yu Z. A state-of-the-art review of nanoparticles application in petroleum with a focus on enhanced oil recovery. Applied Sciences 2018; 8(6): 871.
3. Han DK, Yang CZ, Zhang ZQ et al. Recent development of enhanced oil recovery in China. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 1999; 22(1-3): 181-188.
4. Bondor PL. Applications of carbon dioxide in enhanced oil recovery. Energy Conversion and Management 1992; 33(5-8): 79-586.
5. Donaldson EC, Chilingarian GV, Yen TF et al. Enhanced oil recovery, II: Processes and operations. Elsevier. 1989.
6. Lazar I, Petrisor IG, Yen TF. Microbial enhanced oil recovery (MEOR). Petroleum Science and Technology 2007; 25(11): 1353-1366.
7. Green DW, Willhite GP. Enhanced oil recovery. Richardson, TX: Henry L. Doherty Memorial Fund of AIME, Society of Petroleum Engineers. 1998; 6: 143-154.
8. Patel J, Borgohain S, Kumar M et al. Recent developments in microbial enhanced oil recovery. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2015; 52: 1539-1558.
9. Banat IM. Biosurfactants production and possible uses in microbial enhanced oil recovery and oil pollution remediation: a review. Bioresource Technology 1995; 51(1): 1-12.
10. Shah DO. Surface phenomena in enhanced oil recovery. New York: Plenum Press. 1981; 53-72.
11. Nazar MF, Shah SS, Khosa MA. Microemulsions in enhanced oil recovery: a review. Petroleum science and technology 2011; 29(13): 1353-1365.
12. Mandal A, Samanta A, Bera A et al. Characterization of oil− water emulsion and its use in enhanced oil recovery. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2010; 49(24): 12756-12761.
13. Cheraghian G, Hendraningrat. A review on applications of nanotechnology in the enhanced oil recovery part B: effects of nanoparticles on flooding. International Nano Letters 2016; 6(1): 1-10.
14. Brown LR. Microbial enhanced oil recovery (MEOR). Current opinion in Microbiology 2010; 13(3): 316-320.
15. Bera A, Mandal A. Microemulsions: a novel approach to enhanced oil recovery: a review. Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology 2015; 5(3): 255-268.
16. Safdel M, Anbaz MA, Daryasafar A et al. Microbial enhanced oil recovery, a critical review on worldwide implemented field trials in different countries. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2017; 74: 159-172.
17. Bennetzen MV, Mogensen K. December. Novel applications of nanoparticles for future enhanced oil recovery. International Petroleum Technology Conference. 2014.
18. Aycaguer AC, Lev-On M, Winer AM. Reducing carbon dioxide emissions with enhanced oil recovery projects: A life cycle assessment approach. Energy & Fuels 2001; 15(2): 303-308.
19. Gurgel A, Moura MCPA, Dantas TNC et al. A review on chemical flooding methods applied in enhanced oil recovery. Brazilian journal of petroleum and gas 2008; 2(2).
20. Lake LW, Johns R, Rossen B et al. Fundamentals of enhanced oil recovery. 2014.
21. Ding H, Zhang N, Zhang Y et al. Experimental data analysis of nanoparticles for enhanced oil recovery. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2019; 58(27): 12438-12450.
22. Cheraghian G, Hendraningrat L. A review on applications of nanotechnology in the enhanced oil recovery part A: effects of nanoparticles on interfacial tension. International Nano Letters 2016; 6(2): 129-138.
23. Ali H, Soleimani H, Yahya N et al. Enhanced oil recovery by using electromagnetic-assisted nanofluids: a review. Journal of Molecular Liquids 2020; 113095.
24. Bryant RS. February. Potential uses of microorganisms in petroleum recovery technology. In Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Science. 1987; 67: 97-104.
25. Jiang J, Rui Z, Hazlett R et al. An integrated technicaleconomic model for evaluating CO2 enhanced oil recovery development. Applied Energy 2019; 247: 190-211.
26. Alvarado V, Manrique E. Enhanced oil recovery: an update review. Energies 2010; 3(9): 1529-1575.
27. Pope GA. Recent developments and remaining challenges of enhanced oil recovery. Journal of Petroleum Technology 2011; 63(7): 65-68.
28. Zhang J, Gao H, Xue Q. Potential applications of microbial enhanced oil recovery to heavy oil. Critical reviews in biotechnology 2020; 40(4): 459-474.
29. Finnerty WR, Singer ME. Microbial enhancement of oil recovery. Bio/Technology; (United States). 1983; 1(1).
30. Shen P, Wang J, Yuan S et al. Study of enhanced-oilrecovery mechanism of alkali/surfactant/polymer flooding in porous media from experiments. Spe Journal 2009; 14(2): 237-244.
31. Sabet M, Hosseini SN, Zamani A et al. Application of nanotechnology for enhanced oil recovery: A review. In Defect and Diffusion Forum. Trans Tech Publications Ltd. 2016; 367: 149-156.
32. Sun Y, Yang D, Shi L, Wu H et al. Properties of nanofluids and their applications in enhanced oil recovery: a comprehensive review. Energy & Fuels 2020; 34(2): 1202-1218.
33. Gbadamosi AO, Junin R, Manan MA et al. An overview of chemical enhanced oil recovery: recent advances and prospects. International Nano Letters 2019; 9(3): 171-202.
34. Orsi SD. Arab spring brings winds of change to the Maghreb and MENA region: Does that spell opportunity for infrastructure development and project finance. Rich J Global L & Bus 2011; 11: 77.
35. Alnarabiji MS, Yahya N, Shafie A et al. The influence of hydrophobic multiwall carbon nanotubes concentration on enhanced oil recovery. Procedia Engineering 2016; 148: 1137-1140.
36. Schramm LL. Fundamentals and applications in the petroleum Industry. Adv Chem 1992; 231: 3-24.
37. Li S, Genys M, Wang K et al. Experimental study of wettability alteration during nanofluid enhanced oil recovery process and its effect on oil recovery. In SPE Reservoir Characterisation and Simulation Conference and Exhibition. Society of Petroleum Engineers. 2015.
38. Donaldson EC, Chilingarian GV, Yen TF. Enhanced oil recovery, II: Processes and operations. Elsevier. 1989.
39. Parsons C, Chernetsky A, Eikmans D et al. Introducing a novel enhanced oil recovery technology. In IOR 2017-19th European Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery. European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers. 2017; 1: 1-9
40. Hu X, Li M, Peng C, Davarpanah A. Hybrid thermalchemical enhanced oil recovery methods; an experimental study for tight reservoirs. Symmetry, 2020; 12(6): 947.
41. Adu E, Zhang Y, Liu D. Current situation of carbon dioxide capture, storage and enhanced oil recovery in the oil and gas industry. The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 2019; 97(5): 1048-1076.
42. Mandal A. Chemical flood enhanced oil recovery: a review. International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology 2015; 9(3): 241-264.
43. Dastgheib SMM, Amoozegar MA, Elahi E et al. Bioemulsifier production by a halothermophilic Bacillus strain with potential applications in microbially enhanced oil recovery. Biotechnology letters 2008; 30(2): 263-270.
44. Gbadamosi AO, Junin R, Manan MA et al. Hybrid suspension of polymer and nanoparticles for enhanced oil recovery. Polymer Bulletin 2019; 76(12): 6193-6230.
45. Niu J, Liu Q, Lv J et al. Review on microbial enhanced oil recovery: Mechanisms, modeling and field trials. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 2020; 107350.
46. Youssif MI, El-Maghraby RM, Saleh SM et al. Silica nanofluid flooding for enhanced oil recovery in sandstone rocks. Egyptian Journal of Petroleum 2018; 27(1): 105-110.
47. Parker ME, Meyer JP, Meadows SR. Carbon dioxide enhanced oil recovery injection operations technologies. Energy Procedia 2009; 1(1): 3141-3148.
48. Shilun L, Ping G, Dai Lei SL. Streathen gas injection for enhanced oil recovery [J]. Journal of southwest petroleum institute 2000; 22(3): 41-45.
49. Agi A, Junin R, Gbonhinbor J, Onyekonwu M. Natural polymer flow behaviour in porous media for enhanced oil recovery applications: a review. Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology 2018; 8(4): 1349-1362.
50. Rubinstein JL, Mahani AB. Myths and facts on wastewater injection, hydraulic fracturing, enhanced oil recovery, and induced seismicity. Seismological Research Letters 2015; 86(4): 1060-1067.
51. Farzaneh SA, Sohrabi M. A review of the status of foam application in enhanced oil recovery. In EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE Europec. Society of Petroleum Engineers. 2013.
52. Iglauer S, Wu Y, Shuler P et al. New surfactant classes for enhanced oil recovery and their tertiary oil recovery potential. Journal of Petroleum science and Engineering 2010; 71(1-2): 23-29.
53. Afolabi RO. Enhanced oil recovery for emergent energy demand: challenges and prospects for a nanotechnology paradigm shift. International Nano Letters 2019; 9(1): 1-15.
54. Nielsen SM, Shapiro A, Stenby EH et al. Microbial enhanced oil recovery: advanced reservoir simulation. Center for Energy Resources Engineering. Technical University of Denmark. 2011.
55. Wang Z, Fang R, Guo H. Advances in ultrasonic production units for enhanced oil recovery in China. Ultrasonics sonochemistry 2020; 60: 104791.
56. Sabet M, Hosseini SN, Zamani A et al. Application of nanotechnology for enhanced oil recovery: A review. In Defect and Diffusion Forum. Trans Tech Publications Ltd. 2016; 367: 149-156.
57. Olajire AA. Review of ASP EOR (alkaline surfactant polymer enhanced oil recovery) technology in the petroleum industry: Prospects and challenges. Energy 2014; 77: 963-982.
58. Chhetri AB, Watts KC, Rahman MS et al. Soapnut extract as a natural surfactant for enhanced oil recovery. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects. 2009; 31(20): 1893-1903.
59. Agista MN, Guo K, Yu Z. A state-of-the-art review of nanoparticles application in petroleum with a focus on enhanced oil recovery. Applied Sciences 2018; 8(6): 871.
60. Jin L, Hawthorne S, Sorensen J et al. Advancing CO2 enhanced oil recovery and storage in unconventional oil play-experimental studies on Bakken shales. Applied Energy 2017; 208: 171-183.
2. Agista MN, Guo K, Yu Z. A state-of-the-art review of nanoparticles application in petroleum with a focus on enhanced oil recovery. Applied Sciences 2018; 8(6): 871.
3. Han DK, Yang CZ, Zhang ZQ et al. Recent development of enhanced oil recovery in China. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 1999; 22(1-3): 181-188.
4. Bondor PL. Applications of carbon dioxide in enhanced oil recovery. Energy Conversion and Management 1992; 33(5-8): 79-586.
5. Donaldson EC, Chilingarian GV, Yen TF et al. Enhanced oil recovery, II: Processes and operations. Elsevier. 1989.
6. Lazar I, Petrisor IG, Yen TF. Microbial enhanced oil recovery (MEOR). Petroleum Science and Technology 2007; 25(11): 1353-1366.
7. Green DW, Willhite GP. Enhanced oil recovery. Richardson, TX: Henry L. Doherty Memorial Fund of AIME, Society of Petroleum Engineers. 1998; 6: 143-154.
8. Patel J, Borgohain S, Kumar M et al. Recent developments in microbial enhanced oil recovery. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2015; 52: 1539-1558.
9. Banat IM. Biosurfactants production and possible uses in microbial enhanced oil recovery and oil pollution remediation: a review. Bioresource Technology 1995; 51(1): 1-12.
10. Shah DO. Surface phenomena in enhanced oil recovery. New York: Plenum Press. 1981; 53-72.
11. Nazar MF, Shah SS, Khosa MA. Microemulsions in enhanced oil recovery: a review. Petroleum science and technology 2011; 29(13): 1353-1365.
12. Mandal A, Samanta A, Bera A et al. Characterization of oil− water emulsion and its use in enhanced oil recovery. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2010; 49(24): 12756-12761.
13. Cheraghian G, Hendraningrat. A review on applications of nanotechnology in the enhanced oil recovery part B: effects of nanoparticles on flooding. International Nano Letters 2016; 6(1): 1-10.
14. Brown LR. Microbial enhanced oil recovery (MEOR). Current opinion in Microbiology 2010; 13(3): 316-320.
15. Bera A, Mandal A. Microemulsions: a novel approach to enhanced oil recovery: a review. Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology 2015; 5(3): 255-268.
16. Safdel M, Anbaz MA, Daryasafar A et al. Microbial enhanced oil recovery, a critical review on worldwide implemented field trials in different countries. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2017; 74: 159-172.
17. Bennetzen MV, Mogensen K. December. Novel applications of nanoparticles for future enhanced oil recovery. International Petroleum Technology Conference. 2014.
18. Aycaguer AC, Lev-On M, Winer AM. Reducing carbon dioxide emissions with enhanced oil recovery projects: A life cycle assessment approach. Energy & Fuels 2001; 15(2): 303-308.
19. Gurgel A, Moura MCPA, Dantas TNC et al. A review on chemical flooding methods applied in enhanced oil recovery. Brazilian journal of petroleum and gas 2008; 2(2).
20. Lake LW, Johns R, Rossen B et al. Fundamentals of enhanced oil recovery. 2014.
21. Ding H, Zhang N, Zhang Y et al. Experimental data analysis of nanoparticles for enhanced oil recovery. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2019; 58(27): 12438-12450.
22. Cheraghian G, Hendraningrat L. A review on applications of nanotechnology in the enhanced oil recovery part A: effects of nanoparticles on interfacial tension. International Nano Letters 2016; 6(2): 129-138.
23. Ali H, Soleimani H, Yahya N et al. Enhanced oil recovery by using electromagnetic-assisted nanofluids: a review. Journal of Molecular Liquids 2020; 113095.
24. Bryant RS. February. Potential uses of microorganisms in petroleum recovery technology. In Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Science. 1987; 67: 97-104.
25. Jiang J, Rui Z, Hazlett R et al. An integrated technicaleconomic model for evaluating CO2 enhanced oil recovery development. Applied Energy 2019; 247: 190-211.
26. Alvarado V, Manrique E. Enhanced oil recovery: an update review. Energies 2010; 3(9): 1529-1575.
27. Pope GA. Recent developments and remaining challenges of enhanced oil recovery. Journal of Petroleum Technology 2011; 63(7): 65-68.
28. Zhang J, Gao H, Xue Q. Potential applications of microbial enhanced oil recovery to heavy oil. Critical reviews in biotechnology 2020; 40(4): 459-474.
29. Finnerty WR, Singer ME. Microbial enhancement of oil recovery. Bio/Technology; (United States). 1983; 1(1).
30. Shen P, Wang J, Yuan S et al. Study of enhanced-oilrecovery mechanism of alkali/surfactant/polymer flooding in porous media from experiments. Spe Journal 2009; 14(2): 237-244.
31. Sabet M, Hosseini SN, Zamani A et al. Application of nanotechnology for enhanced oil recovery: A review. In Defect and Diffusion Forum. Trans Tech Publications Ltd. 2016; 367: 149-156.
32. Sun Y, Yang D, Shi L, Wu H et al. Properties of nanofluids and their applications in enhanced oil recovery: a comprehensive review. Energy & Fuels 2020; 34(2): 1202-1218.
33. Gbadamosi AO, Junin R, Manan MA et al. An overview of chemical enhanced oil recovery: recent advances and prospects. International Nano Letters 2019; 9(3): 171-202.
34. Orsi SD. Arab spring brings winds of change to the Maghreb and MENA region: Does that spell opportunity for infrastructure development and project finance. Rich J Global L & Bus 2011; 11: 77.
35. Alnarabiji MS, Yahya N, Shafie A et al. The influence of hydrophobic multiwall carbon nanotubes concentration on enhanced oil recovery. Procedia Engineering 2016; 148: 1137-1140.
36. Schramm LL. Fundamentals and applications in the petroleum Industry. Adv Chem 1992; 231: 3-24.
37. Li S, Genys M, Wang K et al. Experimental study of wettability alteration during nanofluid enhanced oil recovery process and its effect on oil recovery. In SPE Reservoir Characterisation and Simulation Conference and Exhibition. Society of Petroleum Engineers. 2015.
38. Donaldson EC, Chilingarian GV, Yen TF. Enhanced oil recovery, II: Processes and operations. Elsevier. 1989.
39. Parsons C, Chernetsky A, Eikmans D et al. Introducing a novel enhanced oil recovery technology. In IOR 2017-19th European Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery. European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers. 2017; 1: 1-9
40. Hu X, Li M, Peng C, Davarpanah A. Hybrid thermalchemical enhanced oil recovery methods; an experimental study for tight reservoirs. Symmetry, 2020; 12(6): 947.
41. Adu E, Zhang Y, Liu D. Current situation of carbon dioxide capture, storage and enhanced oil recovery in the oil and gas industry. The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 2019; 97(5): 1048-1076.
42. Mandal A. Chemical flood enhanced oil recovery: a review. International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology 2015; 9(3): 241-264.
43. Dastgheib SMM, Amoozegar MA, Elahi E et al. Bioemulsifier production by a halothermophilic Bacillus strain with potential applications in microbially enhanced oil recovery. Biotechnology letters 2008; 30(2): 263-270.
44. Gbadamosi AO, Junin R, Manan MA et al. Hybrid suspension of polymer and nanoparticles for enhanced oil recovery. Polymer Bulletin 2019; 76(12): 6193-6230.
45. Niu J, Liu Q, Lv J et al. Review on microbial enhanced oil recovery: Mechanisms, modeling and field trials. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 2020; 107350.
46. Youssif MI, El-Maghraby RM, Saleh SM et al. Silica nanofluid flooding for enhanced oil recovery in sandstone rocks. Egyptian Journal of Petroleum 2018; 27(1): 105-110.
47. Parker ME, Meyer JP, Meadows SR. Carbon dioxide enhanced oil recovery injection operations technologies. Energy Procedia 2009; 1(1): 3141-3148.
48. Shilun L, Ping G, Dai Lei SL. Streathen gas injection for enhanced oil recovery [J]. Journal of southwest petroleum institute 2000; 22(3): 41-45.
49. Agi A, Junin R, Gbonhinbor J, Onyekonwu M. Natural polymer flow behaviour in porous media for enhanced oil recovery applications: a review. Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology 2018; 8(4): 1349-1362.
50. Rubinstein JL, Mahani AB. Myths and facts on wastewater injection, hydraulic fracturing, enhanced oil recovery, and induced seismicity. Seismological Research Letters 2015; 86(4): 1060-1067.
51. Farzaneh SA, Sohrabi M. A review of the status of foam application in enhanced oil recovery. In EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE Europec. Society of Petroleum Engineers. 2013.
52. Iglauer S, Wu Y, Shuler P et al. New surfactant classes for enhanced oil recovery and their tertiary oil recovery potential. Journal of Petroleum science and Engineering 2010; 71(1-2): 23-29.
53. Afolabi RO. Enhanced oil recovery for emergent energy demand: challenges and prospects for a nanotechnology paradigm shift. International Nano Letters 2019; 9(1): 1-15.
54. Nielsen SM, Shapiro A, Stenby EH et al. Microbial enhanced oil recovery: advanced reservoir simulation. Center for Energy Resources Engineering. Technical University of Denmark. 2011.
55. Wang Z, Fang R, Guo H. Advances in ultrasonic production units for enhanced oil recovery in China. Ultrasonics sonochemistry 2020; 60: 104791.
56. Sabet M, Hosseini SN, Zamani A et al. Application of nanotechnology for enhanced oil recovery: A review. In Defect and Diffusion Forum. Trans Tech Publications Ltd. 2016; 367: 149-156.
57. Olajire AA. Review of ASP EOR (alkaline surfactant polymer enhanced oil recovery) technology in the petroleum industry: Prospects and challenges. Energy 2014; 77: 963-982.
58. Chhetri AB, Watts KC, Rahman MS et al. Soapnut extract as a natural surfactant for enhanced oil recovery. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects. 2009; 31(20): 1893-1903.
59. Agista MN, Guo K, Yu Z. A state-of-the-art review of nanoparticles application in petroleum with a focus on enhanced oil recovery. Applied Sciences 2018; 8(6): 871.
60. Jin L, Hawthorne S, Sorensen J et al. Advancing CO2 enhanced oil recovery and storage in unconventional oil play-experimental studies on Bakken shales. Applied Energy 2017; 208: 171-183.
How to Cite
DUBEY, Lavanya; SAHU, Omprakash.
Enhance Oil Recovery Technology in Petroleum Industry: Review on Potential, Challenge and Development.
Journal of Advanced Research in Petroleum Technology & Management, [S.l.], v. 6, n. 3&4, p. 1-8, mar. 2021.
ISSN 2455-9180.
Available at: <http://thejournalshouse.com/index.php/petroleum-tech-mngmt-adr-journal/article/view/29>. Date accessed: 04 mar. 2025.
Review Article