Synopsis of Laboratory Methods for Characterizing Waxy Crude Oils

  • Nwachukwu AN Federal University of Technology Owerri, Nigeria.
  • Chukwu GA Toncia Energy Consulting and Professional Services Ltd, Abuja Nigeria.
  • Onwukwe SI Federal University of Technology Owerri, Nigeria.
  • Chukwu FI Toncia Energy Consulting and Professional Services Ltd, Abuja Nigeria.
  • Obah B Federal University of Technology Owerri, Nigeria.


The separation of wax as a solid phase from crude oils during oil production is
inevitable because of drop in temperature and compositional changes as it is produced
from the reservoir. Operational problems associated with wax precipitation and
depositions could reduce the profit margin. Flow assurance issues resulting from wax
precipitation and deposition are expected to increase tremendously in the future
because oil production from many regions has shifted to the low temperature deep sea
environment that favors wax deposition. In order to reduce future risks of wax
deposition, an in-depth knowledge and understanding of the fluid properties is
paramount. This article presents a review of the laboratory analyses methods
necessary to have a good understanding of waxy oil fluid properties. Laboratory
techniques for the measurement of both dead and live waxy crude oil properties like
wax appearance temperature (WAT), pour point (PP), true boiling point (TBP)
analysis, wax content and compositional analysis (n-paraffin distribution; paraffin,
naphthene, aromatic (PNA) analysis and saturate, aromatic, resin, asphaltene (SARA)
analysis) are presented. Different methods/results achievable for the measurement of
each of these properties are highlighted. The collation of these techniques provides a
quick guide for selection of suitable characterization techniques for wax investigation.


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How to Cite
AN, Nwachukwu et al. Synopsis of Laboratory Methods for Characterizing Waxy Crude Oils. Journal of Advanced Research in Petroleum Technology & Management, [S.l.], v. 1, n. 2, p. 1-11, aug. 2021. ISSN 2455-9180. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 20 jan. 2025.